
Populäre Sachbücher, Philosophie und Wissenschaft "für jedermann"

Montag, 23. Dezember 2013

Atomphysik und Kosmologie

Die "Mikrowelt" und die "Makrowelt" unterscheiden sich nicht nur deutlich von unserer "Mittelwelt", in der wir leben --- sie sind auch noch komplementär.
In meinem neuen Buch wird das mit den Karikaturen am Kapitelanfang sehr deutlich dargestellt:

1 Kommentar:

  1. Гусейн Гурбанов, Баку, Азербайджан22. Februar 2016 um 07:20

    Logically complete cosmological concept. /due to lack of knowledge of the English language was not able to correct the translation Implemented by Google/

    In order to present the unlimited space originally:
    1. homogeneous - enough to postulate the presence in it of two elements with Simple and Complex /closed systematically/
    2. heterogeneous - enough to postulate the presence in it of one more element - the Most High and Almighty God - with open systematically.
    It is easy to assume that even at the lowest possible deployment of the intangible component of the essence of God - the Spirit of God - for the level of the original downwardly directed the permanent deployment of the material component of the essence of God, there is a curtailment of Simple and Complex /i.e.. It is their decay due to blocking of origin upwardly directed constantly deploy intangible components of the entity / as much as possible heterogeneous to God's essence minimum possible number of cell uniformity (1H), and God on the basis of the material components of the 1H deploys the minimum possible heterogeneous to its essence as possible numerically elemental homogeneity (2H). Coagulation process will begin in 2H known God start time since the completion of its deployment. curtailment of the Spirit of God to the level of initial deployment again unfolds 1H - God potential for transformation 1H into 2H and 1H into 2H limitless!
